Saturday 8 April 2017

Who Needs Large-Format Printers?

Most of us are not that familiar with large-format printers. That is because we do not typically find large-format printers in homes. They are specialized printers used for special purposes, such as in engineering, in art and photography, in advertising, in manufacturing and in other fields.

So who needs large-format printers? Anyone who requires really large prints would find these printers necessary, but here is a short list of them.
  1. Advertising agencies.
    Many advertising agencies need large-format printers to create presentations for their clients. They would use it to create samples for advertising campaigns that they can show their clients.
  2. Art and photography studios.
    Today, art has made a marriage of convenience with technology. Works of art are now being created using computers. Large-scale art made with computers or at least scanned would naturally need big printers.
  3. Museums.
    The scholars working at the museums cannot definitely use an original piece to work with in whatever research or study they are doing. So instead, they recreate these works of art with large-format printers.
  4. Schools.
    New technologies are used in teaching kids these days and it is now necessary to create stunning teaching aids with the help of big printers.
  5. Real estate firms.
    Real estate firms need to keep the properties they are selling up for display wherever they station themselves. These displays attract customers, sometimes enough for them to snap on a property.
  6. The military.
    The military has done away with paper maps and instead print them on fabric using large-format printers. These textile maps are more durable, easier to work with, and do not get easily torn or damaged by creases.
  7. Law firms.
    Even law firms need large-format printers. Pictures paint a thousand words and lawyers may need big and pretty pictures when they try to convince a jury with graphic evidence to win a case.

There are many reasons why different companies need large-format printers. They are truly special printers for a special purpose, which is why specialized companies need them. But who knows; with the growing versatility of printers these days, it is not impossible to find a large-format printer in the home in the future.

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